Commit 0afcec7a by Yuan-Fu Liao


parent b9f8d2a9
......@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
The first wave will release 4 copora, including
* NER-PhA-Vol1 ..... 6.0 hours
* NER-Trs-Vol1 .... 107.4 hours
* NER-Auto-Vol1 ... 309.6 hours
* PTS-Sub-Vol1 .... 250 hours
\ No newline at end of file
|NER-PhA-Vol1 |6.0 |
|NER-Trs-Vol1 | 107.4 |
|NER-Auto-Vol1 | 309.6 |
|PTS-Sub-Vol1 | 250.0 |
\ No newline at end of file
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